Many of them provided links with facts rebutting or casting doubt on the President's statements.
Check it out:
Malou Innocent:
Hmmm, President Obama lobbied the Maliki government for maintaining a residual troop presence in Iraq.
Malou Innocent:
The president is taking unwarranted credit for allegedly sticking to his campaign pledge to have U.S. forces removed.
Patrick J Michaels:
Oh please we can never be energy self sufficient. No, Mr. Obama, we only did it before when we were powered by horses and wood.
Neal McCluskey:
We lead the world in spending on education. So why can't we lead in actually educating? Think top-down government control.
Malou Innocent:
War is the health of the state! The unity we bring to war is what we need to bring to the economy.....that's Obama's tie in
U.S. standing in Arab world now lower than when Bush left office, lower than Iran's #SOTU [via Twitter]
#SOTU Not so surprising that he led off with Iraq. A win-win for him, even if it hasn't been for the American people. [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
The "same set of rules"? Does that mean a flat tax?
"The same set of rules." Does that mean no #Obamacare waivers for Nevada and restaurants in Pelosi's district? #SOTU #Obamacaredelendaest [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
Or how about the Fed's easy-money policy?!?!
Can we work a #solyndra ref into this #sotu, like in '10? It's 1,000 of those "3 million job" #obama just mentioned. [via Twitter]
Tad DeHaven:
"Banks made huge bets..." because the federal taxpayer was backing those bets:
kmanguward: “@petersuderman: JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBSJOBSJOBSJOBSJOBS [breath] JOBS JOBS” [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
Your policies are the same as Bush's - more spending, more regulation, and more intervention. No wonder we've had such an anemic expansion.
Dan Mitchell:
This recovery has been anemic. Data from the Minneapolis Fed shows Obamanomics doesn’t begin to compare with Reaganomics.
Trevor Burrus:
Rules such as unconstitutionally delegated power to the Consumer Finance Protection Board, a part of the monstrosity of Dodd-Frank.
Tad DeHaven:
Never happens again? Folks, get familiar with the Federal Housing Administration:
The only thing Obama has manufactured are fibs -- like GM has paid its loan back in full. [via Twitter]
Neal McCluskey:
In education, fighting "obstruction" has meant unilaterally dictating education policy to states: Sorry Congress, Constitution or not, you snooze, you lose.
Dan Mitchell:
You "bet" with my money, Mr. President. And we're billions in the hole based on GM's share price.
It was unconst. to use TARP funds for auto bailout and it was unconst. to subvert secured creditors' rights in favor of UAW. #SOTU [via Twitter]
Masterlock: the key to American jobs. [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
This is utter nonsense.
The President's proposal will make it harder for US companies to earn market share abroad.
Dan Mitchell:
Great, government picking winners and losers. This is why the tax code has morphed into this monstrosity.
Tad DeHaven:
Abolish the International Trade Administration? ( Nah, just create another bureaucracy.
Dan Mitchell:
Why not lower tax rates? Europe's welfare states have an average corporate tax rate of about 24 pct.
Protectionism: It worked for Hoover, can work again! #SOTU [via Twitter]
This is the thing about the "fairness" theme. It quickly degenerates into whines of "that's not faaaiiiiir!" [via Twitter]
A Trade Enforcement Unit? Can this be a new TV franchise -- "TEU: China" etc etc [via Twitter]
More govt bureaucracy, while *illegally* shutting down Keystone XL pipeline?
#SOTU [via Twitter]
Trevor Burrus:
Our workers are the most productive on Earth, yet they are subject to the pressures of top-down agencies that unconstitutionally coerce employers into situations that neither the workers nor the employers want.
Dan Mitchell:
It's depressing that the European's have lower corporate taxes than the U.S.
Patrick J Michaels:
The way to keep China from producing cheap solar panels is to zero the subsidies we pay to those who install this inefficient source of energy.
Obama: Girls only want boyfriends with great skills. Nunchaku skills... bowhunting skills... computer hacking skills... [via Twitter]
Neal McCluskey:
More money for community colleges is no answer. Already only between 20 and 40 percent of community college students finish their programs. What a waste.
Michael F. Cannon:
He wants the American people to have one place to go when they need help. Government.
Neal McCluskey:
Not higher state standards. Just dubious national standards supporters insist aren't federal.
Dude, presidents and Congress don't create jobs, they can only get out of the way #SOTU [via Twitter]
Michael F. Cannon:
Haven't we doubled down on education in the past three decades? What do we have to show for it? Oh yeah, nothing.
Patrick J Michaels:
And that teacher should be able to negotiate his or her own contract outside of a mandatory union.
Trevor Burrus:
This time it will work....
Neal McCluskey:
Schools have the resources -- and probably way too many teachers:
How about school choice, Bama, rather than teacher pay? Teachers make above avg wages #SOTU [via Twitter]
RT @TPCarney: I agree with the notion of paying teachers more, freeing them from teach-to-test, and being able to fire them. Hurray, Obama. [via Twitter]
Neal McCluskey:
"Not allowed to drop out"? I'd love to see the source for that. What makes sense isn't to force kids into school based on age, but to let them consume education when they are readuy for it.
Work study. Problem solved. #studentloans #SOTU [via Twitter]
Obama proposes turning high school into forced daycare? [via Twitter]
Mandatory schooling til 18? Are there no work houses? #SoTU [via Twitter]
Awesome a new federal education mandate! #thatwillsolvetheproblem [via Twitter]
We need an education draft! Kill the homeschoolers! [via Twitter]
Patrick J Michaels:
Student loans only incentivize colleges to increase costs.
Neal McCluskey:
Tuition tax credits, work-study, and other federal aid, is largely what lets colleges raise their colleges at huge rates.
Dan Mitchell:
Has the President ever heard of the third-party payer problem?
It's a big reason why tuition keeps rising and why healthcare prices keep rising.
Maybe the lesson is for the federal government to stop making things worse.
Neal McCluskey:
Let's be clear: Colleges will not voluntarily make themselves more efficient, and Washington will not cut off funding to those that raise their prices quickly. The ivory tower is packed with lobbyists.
Michael F. Cannon:
I predict President Obama's education cost controls will be as successful as his health care cost controls:
Michael F. Cannon:
In both education and health care, the industry has captured the regulations. Cost control isn't going to happen in either until the government gets out of those sectors. That would deny the incumbents the power to block competition, innovation, and greater efficiency.
@reason .tv: The Case Against College Entitlements [via Twitter]
Who'll do the manufacturing jobs that he's going to bring back if everyone goes to college? [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
The president is in full campaign mode. Has he ever been this animated for a SOTU?
Tad DeHaven:
Entrepreneurship? What he really means is more corporate welfare:
Neal McCluskey:
University-based research might be of value, but I'd love to see the evidence that we have a net gain after factoring in huge opportunity costs. What wasn't done with the money used to build university researchers great labs and cushy offices. Oh, and to let them rarely teach.
Patrick J Michaels:
Production is high because of the spinoffs from shale gas fracking, which he has not overtly supported.
Tad DeHaven:
On the sad, failed history of federal energy subsidies:
Hey, energy people: We'll subsidize anything you can come up with. [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
"Administration will take every possible action to safely develop this energy." So, more regulation.
Dan Mitchell:
The "green" energy program is a job destroyer.
Not to mention a corruption promoter.
Patrick J Michaels:
Solar energy stocks have lost 90% of value; wind is down similarly. If this is so good, why are investors running away>
Solyndra will lead us boldly into a bright future...of debt and broken tubes. [via Twitter]
Patrick J Michaels:
He is committing our tax dollars to the most inefficient energy technologies on earth.
Malou Innocent:
Like the space race, Obama wants a "green energy" race.
Malou Innocent:
We can't cede clean energy to China...!
Dan Mitchell:
Let the bidding begin. Lobbyists are uncorking the champagne.
Some companies fail, but they will fail with 500 million of your dollars, dammit. [via Twitter]
Michael F. Cannon:
If we allow Americans to choose where they purchase energy, how can I make people dependent on the political class?
Michael F. Cannon:
Lord knows manufacturers and businesses don't already have an incentive to reduce their energy costs.
How da fuck we gonna pay for all this? Anyone? #SOTU [via Twitter]
Patrick J Michaels:
He just can't get away from central planning and choosing technologies.
If Obama is for an "all of the above" energy strategy, why has he rejected the Keystone XL pipeline and shale fracking? Strategery? #SOTU [via Twitter]
Tad DeHaven:
He's going to get rid of Davis Bacon rules?
Tad DeHaven:
Good piece here on federal highway financing:
Trevor Burrus:
Mortgage deductions and incentives encourage bad lending and borrowing:
Dan Mitchell:
"No bailouts"?!? Why did he support TARP? Why did he push the Dodd-Frank bailout bill?
Michael F. Cannon:
We all paid the price for those bad mortgages because of YOU, sir.
Dan Mitchell:
I agree with Obama. Bush favored too much regulation and red tape.
Then never again can Bush be called the Deregulator...He jacked 'em thru the roof (a big mistake!) [via Twitter]
Trevor Burrus:
Don't cut red tape, shut down the factory:'t-cut-red-tape-shut-down-the-factory/
Tad DeHaven:
More than 9 in 10 mortgage originated are now backed by federal taxpayers. But, hey, gotta make sure the realtor and lender lobbies remain happy.
Michael F. Cannon:
I wonder if that fewer-regs-approved-than-Bush claim is true. Could be. But I wonder what he's counting as a regulation. His administration has issued a lot of "interim final rules."
If the government didn't change the rules every day -- including creating new unconst. bureacracies -- we'd be a lot better off. #SOTU [via Twitter]
Michael F. Cannon:
Insurance companies NEVER had “unchecked power to cancel your policy.”
Michael F. Cannon:
Would the president forbid insurance companies from denying auto coverage to drivers who just had an accident? Or homeowners insurance to people who just had a fire?
Malou Innocent:
Well, we women do have different "equipment."
Michael F. Cannon:
This is crass. The president appears to have no concept of the importance of prices in organizing a society. If the president thinks it’s wrong for insurers to charge women higher health insurance premiums, does he also think it’s wrong to charge men higher auto insurance premiums? What about young men? Can they help it that they are genetically driven to be more aggressive behind the wheel?
No more bailouts. Except the good kind. [via Twitter]
Meanwhile, under Obama, the federal regulatory apparatus has boomed: [via Twitter]
What about an Amish farmer selling raw milk? No, he needs the feds to raid him... [via Twitter]
We are not bailing you out ever again because we will call it insuring you.. [via Twitte
I had not thought death had undone so many #Wasteland #SOTU crowed [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
The "living will" is a good idea. This is a version of the FDIC-resolution approach that should have been used instead of TARP.
If Obama is serious, this is a good development.
Tort system working wrt Deepwater Horizon. Indeed, when govt arbitrarily put in drilling moratorium, judge held it in contempt. #sotu [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
Cracking down on fraud? Sounds like the President is going after the Social Security trustees.
Richard Cordray's appointment was unconstitutional because not during a recess, wasn't even pending at the time. #sotu [via Twitter]
Michael F. Cannon:
We had a watchdog called the U.S. Constitution. Pity what happened to it.
Michael F. Cannon:
On the importance of market prices in health insurance:
Dan Mitchell:
There were no cuts. Obama's using the dishonest Washington definition of a cut - not increasing spending as fast as previously planned.
Dan Mitchell:
Buffett and Obama have no idea what they're talking about (or they're prevaricating)
RT @TPCarney: RT @SuzyKhimm There's still a lot of concern that Dodd-Frank won't prevent Too Big To Fail. [via Twitter]
How is it moral to give free/cheap health care to old people just cuz they're old? Esp. when the money comes from the young/poor? [via Twitter]
RT @JimPethokoukis: Average effective income tax rate for top 1% is 24%. The bottom 50%? Just 1.85%. #SOTU [via Twitter]
Obama's DOJ raided Gibson Guitars. #overzealous #SOTU @reason [via Twitter]
Hey, dude who makes $250,001...sorry. [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
The President should learn that higher tax rates don’t necessarily mean higher tax revenues. The rich paid five times as much after Reagan cut their tax rates.
Neal McCluskey:
Our federal "investment" in education - more than $100 billion annually - have yielded basically no net benefits. So let's cut the heck out of them. But who will be the honest politicians who speaks the truth rather than spending to appear to care about "the children"?
Dan Mitchell:
Yes, I call it class warfare.
Neal McCluskey:
See what federal taxpayers "invest" in education:
Michael F. Cannon:
Congress is never going to make Medicare more efficient in its current form.
Michael F. Cannon:
He just said that Buffett doesn't pay AS MUCH AS his secretary in taxes. Flat. Out. False.
Neal McCluskey:
Maybe if we didn't keep shoveling more and more aid at students, their colleges wouldn't keep ballooning prices on them.
Michael F. Cannon:
Politicians' way of life will only endure if you all feel that same sense of shared responsibility.
"You can call this class warfare all you want" cool, thanks. #sotu [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
European nations have been raising taxes for 40 years. Has that led to lower deficits?
Don't feed the beast.
#SOTU we could spend far less on our military and keep our promises to veterans and retain a margin of superiority over any rival. [via Twitter]
Trevor Burrus:
It is possible that progressive income tax violates the Equal Protection Clause: "Nor shall any State deprive...any person of the equal protection of the laws."
How about a bill that admits "insider trading" is a #bullshit crime made up for cases where you can't demonstrate fraud? #sotu [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
How 'bout shrinking the size and scope of the federal government so people don't feel they have to line up at the public trough?
What has kept the Democratically controlled Senate from producing a budget for 1,000 days? #SOTU [via Twitter]
The senate confirmed 97% of Obama's nominees last year. [via Twitter]
Michael F. Cannon:
Let's restrict First Amendment rights. Let's tell people you can EITHER petition government for a redress of grievances OR you can exercise your freedom of speech. But if we let you do both, that would be a threat to the political cla...I mean, to democracy.
Dan Mitchell:
A very impressive display of Clintonian triangulation rhetoric. Too bad it’s not matched by Clinton’s fiscal restraint.
Tad DeHaven:
Ah, the government efficiency nonsense: for those who didn't know, the president wants to create a new Department of Corporate Welfare:
Michael F. Cannon:
He’s got to be kidding. Half of ObamaCare’s coverage gains come from a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. It’s called Medicaid. But I can understand if he forgot about that part. He’s only being sued over it.
Neal McCluskey:
More competition and state and local control in education? Utterly laughable...if it didn't make me want to cry: Forcing states to adopt federal curricula and tests, and fighting to kill DC vouchers? The executive branch dictating "reforms" via NCLB waivers? That is the very opposite of what he claims.
Michael F. Cannon:
Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the health care law is “private.” What matters is whether the decisionmaking is decentralized and voluntary. ObamaCare makes health insurance compulsory. That is socialized medicine.
Trevor Burrus:
The authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy probably already exists with the president (constitutionally). For example 5 U.S.C. Chapter 9, Sections 901-910. This "plea" is pure politics.
Michael F. Cannon:
The CBO said that with one small tweak, ObamaCare would be “essentially a governmental program.” Of course, where they draw the line is entirely subjective. Meaning it already is essentially a government program.
Malou Innocent:
One problem the Afghan government is having is trusting former militants who have decided to reconcile. Afghans are having trouble reintegrating, and for putting their trust in the government we back the Taliban is coming after them.
Michael F. Cannon:
ObamaCare's supporters knew it would be a government program in private-sector clothing, and did everything necessary to hide that fact (and the law's full cost) from the people:
Malou Innocent:
Qaddafi loyalists have taken Bani Walid
#SOTU OK. But there will still be twice as many U.S. troops in Afghanistan in January 2013 than there were when President Obama took office. [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
The United States can indeed collect actionable intelligence without a large-scale conventional presence on the ground.
Malou Innocent:
Obama tripled the number of troops, increased the number of drone strikes in neighboring Pakistan, and killed Osama bin Laden. We have more than enough “victories."
Malou Innocent:
We will stand for the rights and dignity of all humans, but not stand for the constitution.
Trevor Burrus:
And I have a follow up post to Michael Cannon's post about the constitutionality of obscuring the full costs of Obamacare:
Malou Innocent:
(The Libya intervention was conducted without Congressional authorization)
Malou Innocent:
Former secretary of defense Robert Gates warned that bombing Iran could trigger “generations of jihadists” and spawn other unpalatable consequences.
Malou Innocent:
Meir Dagan, the former head of Mossad, has said a strike on Iran would be “stupid."
#SOTU The President says that Iran's leaders are faced with crippling sanctions. But who really pays? The Iranian people. [via Twitter]
Boy is he nervous about the Jewish vote. [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
Again, Obama is trying to translate American leadership abroad into executive leadership in the economy.
Poll: Voters say America is in decline [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
Americans want the DoD to defend America, not democratize the Middle East, rebuild failed states, or protect wealthy allies.
#SOTU We should stop subsidizing the defense of other countries that can and should defend themselves. [via Twitter]
Coming together: You put away all the differences, and we're one America. And that America is flat broke and on its back. #SOTU [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
Americans can serve themselves. Citizens don't need a higher purpose as bestowed to us by the president.
Breaking: Due to focus group input, next year the #SOTU will be called #STFU [via Twitter]
Malou Innocent:
Again, he's in campaign mode. Obama's OBL raid inoculated him from criticism on the right. Now he's draping himself in the flag to push more intervention in the economy.
Malou Innocent:
The speech is masterstroke for intervention, intervention, intervention, not jobs, jobs, jobs.
Full circle: U.S. should be more like military. “@LucyStag: Seal Team togetherness=America.” [via Twitter]
Dan Mitchell:
Obamanomics compares unfavorably to Reaganomics.
Michael F. Cannon:
This nation is great because it was conceived in liberty.
Dan Mitchell:
Wow, the President said very little about jobs. And with numbers like this, I'm not surprised.
I didn't do the math, but I'd ballpark that about 75-90% of O's proposals are unconstitutional. #SOTU [via Twitter]
Patrick J Michaels:
Long on central planning that will receive little legislative support. I suspect the bump he will get in the polls from this speech will be less than last year.
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