Monday, October 31, 2011

Gary North on the Enemies of the Gold Standard

"What all the enemies of the gold standard spurn as its main vice is precisely the same thing that in the eyes of the advocates of the gold standard is its main virtue, namely, its incompatibility with a policy of credit expansion. The nucleus of all the effusions of the anti-gold authors and politicians is the expansionist fallacy."
Gary North, Mises on Money

Paul would advocate the same foreign policy as the Founding Fathers

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."
Ron Paul: I Advocate the Same Foreign Policy the Founding Fathers Would

Thomas Sowell on the Media's Love Affair with Big Government

Government intervention may look good to the media but its actual track record — both today and in the 1930s — is far worse than the track record of letting the economy recover on its own.
Thomas Sowell, An Unusual Economy?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Peter Schiff on Herman Cain's Hidden Nine

It's really a 9-9-9-9 deal, Schiff says.
However, the plan has deep flaws, the most glaring of which is its creation of a hidden payroll tax which represents a fourth "nine." This serious pitfall has been unmentioned by Mr. Cain and overlooked by those who have analyzed his plan. 
Peter Schiff, Herman Cain's Hidden Nine

The Hangover is not the Problem

"The hangover is not the problem. The party was."
Johan Norberg, Understanding the Financial Crisis

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weekend Homesteaders build their own off the grid cabin

This is the story of how two middle-aged city dwellers became weekend homesteaders, and how we bumbled our way through planning and building an off-grid survival cabin. Top to bottom, the project took about two years to complete, working only on weekends. We started out naïve but ambitious, and learned everything as we went along.
Weekend Homesteaders

Video: Henry Paulson Says Investments Were Made To Protect The American People |

He's still praising TARP. Click the link to see the video.

Henry Paulson Says Investments Were Made To Protect The American People |

Coroner: Amy Winehouse died from too much alcohol

Soul diva Amy Winehouse died with empty vodka bottles in her room and lethal amounts of alcohol in her blood — more than five times the British drunk driving limit — a British coroner ruled Wednesday.
Coroner: Amy Winehouse died from too much alcohol

Hyde Was Right, Bush Was Wrong |

Notable quotables:

Quote #1
Hyde argued that those who thought democracy could be grafted onto any nation on earth did not understand how deep the roots of representative government must run in a culture.
Quote #2
"But democracy is more than a single election, or even a succession of them," he said. "It is a way of life for a nation, embracing its life and institutions, and all of their complexity, and embraced in turn by its people and their actions, thoughts and beliefs.

"Viewed in its more compete historical context," Hyde said, "implanting democracy in large areas would require that we possess an unbounded power and undertake an open-ended commitment of time and resources, which we cannot and will not do."
Quote #3
"America's vital interests and our deepest beliefs are now one," Bush said. "From the day of our founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights and dignity and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of heaven and earth."

This principle - articulated in our Declaration of Independence and based on an understanding of God and man that traces back to both classical philosophy and the Bible - is undoubtedly true. But the dominant cultural forces in the very lands Bush tried to fashion into democracies deny it.
Hyde Was Right, Bush Was Wrong |

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ron Paul: We have to stop worrying about whose mowing Mitt Romney’s yard

( -- GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul qualified his recent comments about being disgusted during the Las Vegas Presidential debate on Meet the Press, adding that the debates need to focus less on who’s mowing whose lawn and more on pertinent issues.

Meet The Press Host David Gregory asked Paul on Sunday what turns him off about the presidential debates.

“I guess it’s the uselessness of some of this rhetoric,” Paul said. “I mean arguing over who mows Mitt Romney’s lawn in the midst of a crisis—a sovereign debt worldwide crisis. The biggest in the history of the world and the financial system of the world is about to collapse.”

Paul added that the United States is getting ready to have another devaluation of its credit rating and that the United States has to get it’s spending under control.

“We’re gotta have to get a hand on this. We have to quit worrying about whose mowing Mitt Romney’s yard,” Paul said.

The Des Moines Register quotes Paul on Friday as saying “I can tell you that after the first 45 minutes I was tempted to walk off that stage. I thought it was disgusting.” Paul made those comments after he toured a wind-turbine blade manufacturer in Newton, Iowa.

Tom Woods Explains The Student Loan Racket

I knew this and wrote about it December 2010. I write:
What bothers me so much about this statistic is that colleges can keep the price of tuition higher than what it would have possibly been if the student loans weren't there in the first place.

University planners, knowing that financial aid is guaranteed, plan expansion based on somewhat false signals in the markets (federal grants, student loans). It does not matter how big or small the false signal.
I remember my state of mind when writing "somewhat false signals." I was too nice. They are false signals.

Excerpted from Rollback:
Of course, it is the subsidies themselves that push tuition costs ever higher. Here’s the obvious point everyone pretends not to realize: colleges know the students have access to low-interest loans courtesy of government. Aware that prospective students enjoy artificially increased purchasing power, college administrations raise tuition (and cut back their own aid programs) accordingly. When tuition thus continues to rise, as any fool could predict, we hear huzzahs for the government – for however could students pay this high tuition without government assistance? It is the classic case, as Harry Browne said, of the government breaking your leg, handing you a crutch, and saying, “See Without me you couldn’t walk.”
Thomas Woods, The Student Loan Racket: Ron Paul Right Again

Santorum: Ron Paul nomination would give him 'indigestion' - The Hill's Video

Read the rest of the story. Click the link below.
Santorum: Ron Paul nomination would give him 'indigestion' - The Hill's Video

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Don't become entangled in an evil alliance even with a common enemy

A common enemy does not justify an alliance with evil.
Gary North, Occupy Wall Street (And Defecate on People's Doorsteps)

Yes, Governments Do Lie To Those They Govern

On the recent Iranian terror plot, the writers at the Daily Kos express some skepticism about Hillary Clinton's very telling question regarding the believability of the foiled plot. If you missed it, Hillary said: "The idea that they would attempt to go to a Mexican cartel to solicit murder-for-hire to kill the Saudi ambassador, nobody could make that up, right?"

The Daily Kos Responds: "Wrong, Hillary. Somebody Could Make That Up To Start a War With Iran. Remember Curveball?

The Daily Kos isn't the only outlet who expressed some skepticism on the matter.

Monthly Review expresses major doubt on the matter as well. They are more forthright.
Sure they could, Madam Secretary. You could. So could the same people who lied to us about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction, ties to al-Qaeda and responsibility for 9/11. You guys lie all the time. That's your job.

Iran hasn't attacked another country in more than 200 years. Its government works day and night to improve its relations with its mainly Muslim neighbors. But as ludicrous as the assassination plot charge is, it comes at a very serious time.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Imagine by Ron Paul

Ron Paul's classic foreign policy essay: Imagine by Ron Paul

Richard Bernstein on the threat Free-Thinking Blacks pose to the Dems

Ironically, the political party which portrays itself as the "champion of tolerance and freedom" knows that free-thinking black Americans represent a mortal threat to its power base.
Richard Bernstein, The Democrat Plantation

Richard Bernstein on the Democrat Plantation

So what's changed? For an overwhelming majority of black Americans, nothing much. They still embrace a plantation mentality, but they've changed "masters:" from slave-owners to the Democratic Party.

Perhaps blind loyalty to a political party they perceive as their "protectors" is an inevitable consequence of black Americans' unique history. That such loyalty is to a Democrat party whose own history is a tattered tale of segregation and racism is mind-boggling.
Richard Bernstein, The Democrat Plantation

John Hayward on the Failure of Class Warfare

If class warfare rhetoric fails under these high-pressure conditions, the Democrats are in deep trouble. After all, they don’t have anything else.
John Hayward, The Failure of Class Warfare

A Prophetic Statement About Tax Cuts

From a 2004 column:
“The growing federal debt is virtually certain to lead to offsetting tax increases down the road. Does anyone really believe that in 10 years, when Social Security and Medicare benefits are imminently threatened, Congress will not try to increase revenues to keep the benefits flowing a bit longer?”
Daniel Sahviro, Quoted in "Tax Cuts = Big Government"

Reppert on Relativism and Human Rights

Relativism is incompatible with an idea that many of us hold dear, the idea of inalienable human rights. If relativism is true, we are endowed by our culture, not our creator, with certain rights, and if the culture denies those rights, as in cases like slavery or female circumcision, then there is nowhere to go to justify a claim that, contrary to what the culture has decreed, our rights are being violated.
Victor Reppert, Relativism and Human Rights

Monday, October 10, 2011

As a Model for Values, Ron Paul Prefers ‘Our Original King, Our Creator’ to the Gov’t |

( – Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul says he would rather look to God – “the original king” and creator – than to the government as a model for moral values.

Addressing the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C. on Saturday, Paul said it was in his view “impossible” to get morality from the government. Instead it comes from individuals, families, churches, and God.

“But I prefer the different king, the original king, the instruction that comes from our creator, not from our government,” he continued. “Our government should be strictly limited to the protection of the liberties that allow us to thrive.”
As a Model for Values, Ron Paul Prefers ‘Our Original King, Our Creator’ to the Gov’t |

Two Books on The Federal Reserve (and how to prepare for inflation)

The Alpha Strategy

I have been sharing this link to The Alpha Strategy since 2009. It is the book that got me started in economics before I went on to study more works on free-market capitalism. It was my "gateway drug" so to speak.

As I've explained then:
This book is probably the most informative book on inflation (and how to prepare for it) than any other book available. It is written with the layman in mind. It is only 99 pages long and available in PDF form.

The book was written by John A. Pugsley in 1980. In 1981, it was on the New York Times bestseller list for about nine weeks. It contains some of the same material covered by Peter Schiff in his 2007 and 2009 "Crash Proof" series.
I go on:
The Alpha Strategy talks more about the history of inflation, its causes, and how to prepare for it.

Crash Proof seems to be tailored toward those who are already investors and includes more recent information on the housing bubble, the stock market crash, and the underlying causes of the recent financial meltdown.
To read the rest of my description, go here and then download the book.

Modern Money Mechanics: A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion

This book should be read after you read the Alpha Strategy. It goes more into detail on the material that is covered in pages 16-21 of The Alpha Strategy (sections titled "Banking" "How Banks Create Money" "The Federal Reserve System" "Turning Federal Debt into Money").

It is an out-of-print book that was written by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. It is for more advanced readers. However, it is only 50 pages.

The purpose of the book is stated in the introduction:
The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of money creation in a "fractional reserve" banking system. The approach taken illustrates the changes in bank balance sheets that occur when deposits in banks change as a result of monetary action by the Federal Reserve System - the central bank of the United States. The relationships shown are based on simplifying assumptions. For the sake of simplicity, the relationships are shown as if they were mechanical, but they are not, as is described later in the booklet. Thus, they should not be interpreted to imply a close and predictable relationship between a specific central bank transaction and the quantity of money.

The introductory pages contain a brief general description of the characteristics of money and how the U.S. money system works. The illustrations in the following two sections describe two processes: first, how bank deposits expand or contract in response to changes in the amount of reserves supplied by the central bank; and second, how those reserves are affected by both Federal Reserve actions and other factors. A final section deals with some of the elements that modify, at least in the short run, the simple mechanical relationship between bank reserves and deposit money.
You can download it here.

My expectation of you as a reader is not for you to go off and study economics like I did.

My expectation of you as a reader is to become an informed citizen. That is having enough knowledge to make informed decisions in life -- and especially at the polls.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ron Paul Values Voter Summit Speech (Audio)

U.S. REPRESENTATIVE RON PAUL (R-TX): Thank you. Thank you. So early in the morning, too. I appreciate that. Thank you very much for coming.

And I appreciate very much this opportunity to visit with you to talk about families. Obviously family values are very, very important. And, as was mentioned in the introduction, I have delivered a few babies. And that does contribute to family, let me tell you. (Laughs.)

But also I’m from a rather large family. I have four brothers. But we have five children and 18 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren as well. (Cheers, applause.)

But, you know, the one thing that is fascinating to me when we bring new life into the world or a new baby comes into the family has always been the reaction of the siblings – maybe one, two, or three, four years old. I’m always fascinated with the intrigue of the siblings looking at a small baby. And I thought, well, that was natural and good and really symbolizes what the family is all about.

Unfortunately, our families have been under attack. And I have a few ideas about why that has occurred and what we might do about it. But the value of the family was something that was early described in the Bible. And there’s one reference to the family that I thought was very important. That was in Samuel, 1 Samuel, chapter eight. And this is when the people, not the elders, came to Samuel when he was very old and they knew he would be passing on, so the people came and said to Samuel, what we need is a king. We need a king to take care of us. We want to be safe and secure.

And Samuel, although he knew he wasn’t going to be around long, he advised the people of Israel not to accept the king, because the king, he warned, would not be generous. He would undermine their liberties. There would be more wars. There would be more taxes. And besides, accepting the notion of a king would reject the notion that, up until that time, since they had left Egypt, their true king was their God and the guidance from their God.

But the governing body was the family. And they did not have kings, but they had judges. And that’s what Samuel was. But this was the time there was a shift away from the judges and the family into a king. And I think a lot of that has happened to us in this country. We have too often relied on our king in Washington, and we have to change that. (Cheers, applause.)

Samuel warned that the king would want to make servants of the people. And he even talked about taxes going up and he talked about the use of young men being drafted and he talked about the women and young women being used by the king. And the warning was not heeded, as Samuel didn’t expect it to be heeded. But he also said that if you depend on the king, the morality of the people will be rejected, the emphasis on the people themselves; the morality should come from the people and not from the king. And generally it doesn’t work that way.

You know, morality of the people or the lack of morality of the people can be reflected in the law. But the law never can change the morality of the people. And that is very important. (Cheers, applause.)

In the 1960s and the 1970s, there were dramatic changes in our country. During the Vietnam War there was a lot of antiwar sentiment. There were a lot of drugs. This was the decade that abortion was done flagrantly against the law. And, lo and behold, the laws got changed after the morality changed.

But it was also - about the time we had Roe versus Wade, we also had the breakdown of our monetary system, the rejection of the biblical admonition that we have honest weights and measures and honest money. And not to have honest weights and measures meant we were counterfeiting the money and destroying the value of the money, which implies, even in biblical times, they weren’t looking for a central bank that was going to counterfeit our currency. (Cheers, applause.)

But the culture certainly changed. The work ethics changed. The welfare state grew. And it wasn’t only for the poor who were looking to be taken care of, but we finally ended up with a system where the lobbyists were from the rich corporations and the banks that would come to Washington and expect to get their benefits. And the whole idea of a moral society changed.

But, you know, biblically there’s a lot of admonitions about what the family should be in charge of. Certainly the 10th commandment tells us something about honoring our parents and caring for them. It didn’t say work out a system where the government will take care of us from cradle to grave. No, it was an admonition for us to honor our parents and be responsible for them, not put them into a nursing home and say the federal government can take care of them. Besides, sometimes that leads to bankruptcies and the government can’t do it anyway. So that responsibility really falls on us.

In the Bible, in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, Christ was recognized to be the prince of peace. He was never to be recognized as the promoter of war. And he even said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be the children of God.” He never said blessed are the war makers. It was the peacemakers that we must honor and protect. (Cheers, applause.)

Christ was very, very clear on how we should treat our enemies. And some days I think we quite frequently forget about that. Early in the history of Christianity, they struggled with the issue of war and peace, because Christ taught about peace. Did that mean Christ was advocating pacifism? The early church struggled with this and came to the conclusion, at least in those early years, that Christ was not a pacifist, but he was not a war promoter.

And this is when they came up with the just-war principles, saying, yes, war could be necessary, but only under dire circumstances, and it should be done with great caution. All other efforts should be exhausted before we go to war, and always under the proper authority. And today I think the proper authority is not the U.N. or the NATO forces to take us to war. (Cheers, applause.)

We are taught in the New Testament about caring for the poor and caring for our families and our neighbors and friends. But never did Christ say, you know, let’s go and lobby Rome to make sure we’re taken care of. It was a personal responsibility for us. Christ was confronted at one time by a prostitute, but he didn’t call for the centurions. He didn’t call for more laws. But he was very direct and thought that stoning was not the solution to the problem of prostitution.

So do laws take care of these things, or do we need a better understanding of our Christian values and our moral principles?

Life is most precious. I talk about life and liberty. I defend liberty to the nth degree, as long people aren’t hurting and killing each other and stealing and robbing. But you cannot defend liberty unless you have a clear understanding of life. And believe me, as an experienced physician and knowing the responsibility of taking care of life, from the earliest sign of life – I know, legally and morally, I have a responsibility to take care of two lives. And therefore you cannot be a great defender of liberty if you do not defend and understand what life is all about and where it comes from. (Cheers, applause.)

You know, many great religions, and especially both the Old and New Testament, talks about a golden rule. And I think it’s an important rule. We want to treat – we should treat other people the way we want to be treated. And I would like to suggest that possibly we should be thinking about having a foreign policy of the golden rule and not treat other countries any way other than the way we want to be treated. (Cheers, applause.)

There were great dreams by Isaiah in the Old Testament about the time that would come when the swords would be bent into plowshares and spears into pruning forks, the dream of ending the wars and to the point where peace is prosperous. And I have come to a strong conviction that one of the most greatest threats to the family is war. It undermines the family. (Cheers, applause.)

Just in our last decade, an undeclared war that we’re dealing with, we’ve lost over 80,000 – 8,500 men and women in our armed services. We have 40,000 who have returned, many of them with severe amputations. And it’s, in essence, forgotten by the general population of this country. We have literally hundreds of thousands begging and pleading for help.

I talked to a young man the other day and he was telling me about losing all his buddies and his frustration with the war and not having a goal of winning the war and not knowing when it would end. And yet his conclusion was – almost in tears he said to me, he says, I lost my buddies over there, but now I’m losing many of them to suicide.

And when you think of this, of what the consequences of war, the death and destruction, what does it do to the families? What does it do to the husbands and the wives and the mothers and the daughters who have to deal with these problems? So, yes, it is very, very damaging. War costs a lot of money. It causes a lot of poverty. Poverty and the economic crisis in this country is undermining the family. But $4 trillion of debt has been added in the last 10 years to fight a war that seems to have no end.

Wars generally lead to inflation, the destruction of money. We don’t honor the biblical principles of honest money. We invite this idea that we can spend endlessly and we can print the money, and literally it undermines the family and undermines the economic system. When you lose a job, it’s harder to keep the family together.

Divorce rates are very, very high among the military, because these young men are being sent back two and three and four times. And there was one story told me about a little boy, a little boy who was 10 years old, and his dad was getting ready to go back again. He was screaming, I hate you, daddy, I hate you, daddy, because he was leaving him.

So this is why, in the early church, they talk about being very careful about going into war, and also to be thinking about the admonition that peace is far superior to war. That should be our goal. (Cheers, applause.)

The goal of a free society, from my viewpoint, is to seek virtue and excellence. And only we as individuals can do that. When we turn this over to the government, when we seek our king and depend on our king, it can only be done at the sacrifice of liberty. And that means eventually all liberties – our personal liberties, our civil liberties, our religious liberties, our right to teach our children and our responsibility to teach our children, whether it’s home schooling or religious school - it’s always under attack.

The more we turn it over to the government – it was a sad day in this country when we went this full measure about acknowledging the authority of the federal government to educate our children. There was a time when the Republican Party said that we shouldn’t even have a Department of Education. And I believe it should go back to the family, not the federal government. (Cheers, applause.)

If we – if we do not get our moral values from our government, which I think it’s impossible to get it from them, where does it come from? First, it comes from us as individuals. We have the responsibility for dealing with our eternity and salvation. But we have our responsibility to ourselves to do the best we can with our own lives.

But then our next step is our families; you know, our children and our parents, and then our neighbors and our churches. That’s where the moral values should come from. And, quite frankly, that is where I think we have slipped. So you can pass all the laws that you want. You can fight more wars than ever that’s going to bring us peace and prosperity. But if the basic morality of the people does not change, it will not matter. We must change our hearts if we expect to change our family and treat our family values as they should be. (Applause.)

We have been blessed in this country by having the freest and the most prosperous. We’ve had a good Constitution, far from perfect. But today we are living way beyond our means. We are living in debt. And debt is not a biblical principle, whether it’s personal debt or whether it’s a national debt. We owe $3 trillion to people overseas. We are suffering from a mountain of debt because we have accepted this idea that we have this responsibility to mold the world, mold the people and mold the economy.

Government is incapable of doing that. The responsibility of the government is to provide the environment which is proper to allow us to thrive, for us to work hard and have the incentive. If we have our right to – (applause) – if we have a right to our life and liberty, why is it that we don’t fight for the right to keep the fruits of our labor? (Cheers, applause.)

If we accepted that, there would be no demands for the king. The people – the early Israelites demanded the king to be taken care of. But we have too, and we have accepted this notion as a country and as a whole that the king will take care of us.

But I prefer the different king, the original king, the instruction that comes from our creator, not from our government. Our government should be strictly limited to the protection of the liberties that allow us to thrive. (Cheers, applause.) And our liberties and our economy, they are under attack today. There is no doubt about it.

So we will have to meet up and make these decisions. To me, the most important decision that we have to ask, just as they asked, you know, in biblical times, as well as at the time of our founding of this country, what should be government like? What should the role of government be? It isn’t, you know, where do you cut this penny or this penny, and what do we do here and there, and tinker around the edges. It should be what should the role of government be? The founders said the role of government ought to be the protection of liberty. That is what the role of government ought to be. (Cheers, applause.)

But the experiment is about to end unless we reverse this trend. I would say that we have gone downhill nearly for 100 years, especially for the last 10, and especially for the last four, when we think of our economy. But the real challenge is, are we going to transition from the republic to the empire and to dictatorship? And there are so many signs that we are, you know, transforming into empire and dictatorship. And just think of the bearing down on our personal liberties today. Think about what happens when we go to the airports. Think about now you have no privacy whatsoever. Now the government can look into every single thing.

So we are living in an age when government is way too big. And it’s time this government act properly, and that is to protect our freedoms. (Cheers, applause.) The – if you read the Constitution carefully, you will find out that the Constitution is directed at the government. There aren’t restraints placed in the Constitution on you. The restraints are that you don’t hurt and kill people, that you fulfill your promise that you’re honest and you fulfill your moral obligation. The restraints are placed on the federal government.

So as long as we allow the federal government to grow and we don’t obey those restraints, things will get worse. But the good news is there’s a whole generation of Americans right now rising up and saying we were on the right track at the right time. Let’s get back on that track. Let’s restore liberty to this country and prosperity and peace. (Cheers, applause.)

Thank you.




Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ron Paul: Golden Rule Could End Terrorist Attacks | The National Press Club

If the United States stopped occupying other nations, terrorist attacks would cease, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said Wednesday at the National Press Club.

Paul, a Republican who represents the Texas 14th Congressional District, said America’s decision years ago to build military bases in the Middle East incited terrorist attacks which drew the nation to begin occupying the region, causing further attacks. Citing Lebanon in the early 1980’s as an example, the congressman said when American military personnel withdrew the attacks “just stopped.”

“I don’t know why we can’t think about a foreign policy of good will…treat people like you would like to be treated. The Golden Rule could apply," he said.
Ron Paul: Golden Rule Could End Terrorist Attacks | The National Press Club

Friday, October 7, 2011

Christian Academic: We reject the utopian delusions of no state and of an omni-competent state.

We reject the utopian delusions of no state and of an omni-competent state.
Why Christians favor small goverment | The Washington Post

[Editor's note: The man never makes his case against anarchism.

Although I linked to the Jesus Radicals page, I vehemently disagree with their "Economics" sub-section under Anarchism which advocates socialism. The reason for linking to their description of anarchism is because it provides a coherent explanation of the relationship between Christianity and anarchism.

That's it.]

Herman Cain on Iran: Would Tell Ahmadinejad to ‘Make my Day’ |

“I would make it a priority to upgrade all of our Aegis surface-to-air ballistic missile defense capabilities of all of our warships, all the way around the world," he said. "Make that a priority, and then say to Ahmadinejad, ‘Make my Day.’”
Herman Cain on Iran: Would Tell Ahmadinejad to ‘Make my Day’ |

This bold and irresponsible statement comes within two weeks of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying that it isn't too late to fix U.S.-Iran relationship and Iran's Navy Head saying Iran will send ships near U.S. borders.

Why won't Herman Cain take a stand for peace?

Video: The Official Video of Ron Paul @ The National Press Club

Video Flashback: Ron Paul schools Laura Ingraham

The Nuremburg Trials Definition of Aggression

An aggressor, for the purposes of this article, means that state which is first to commit any of the following actions:

1. Declaration of war upon another State.

2. Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration of war, of the territory of another State.

3. Attack by its land, naval or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels or aircraft of another State.

No political, military, economic or other considerations may serve as an excuse or justification for such actions, but exercise of the right of legitimate self-defense, that is to say, resistance to an act of aggression, or action to assist a State which has been subjected to aggression, shall not constitute a war of aggression.
Source: The Avalon Project

The Ten Planks of Communism

Does the 5th one look familiar?
According to The Communist Manifesto, Communism has ten essential planks:

Abolition of Private Property.
Heavy Progressive Income Tax.
Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.
Confiscation of Property Rights.
Central Bank.
Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.
Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.
Government Control of Labor.
Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.
Government Control of Education.
Source: All About Philosophy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Henry Hazlitt on the frustation of studying economic policy

A mere recital of the economic policies of governments all over the world is calculated to cause any serious student of economics to throw up his hands in despair.
Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson

WCF Chapter One "Of Holy Scripture" Sunday School (Sept.-Oct. 2021)

Our text for Sunday School (also "The Confession of Faith and Catechisms") Biblical Theology Bites What is "Biblical Theology...