While a majority of jobs lost during the downturn were in the middle range of wages, a majority of those added during the recovery have been low paying, according to a new report from the National Employment Law Project.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Study: Majority of New Jobs Pay Low Wages
Government Does Stuff That Shouldn't Be Done At All
Then, one day, I suddenly realized I had been betrayed.Give It Up || Jeffrey Tucker
Then I looked at history. It’s always the same. Political rule never results in what you think it should. Why? After reading Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, and Murray Rothbard, it finally dawned on me. The government doesn’t do anything that the market can’t do better.
I ticked through the list in my mind. Helping the poor, getting people health care, providing education, building roads, providing retirement income, inspiring virtue, boosting the economy, making people secure. Even the whole court system is a mess, and so people resort to private solutions…and profitably.
Plus, government does tons of stuff that shouldn’t be done at all, like giving privileges to elites, bombing innocent people, meddling in business where it has no business, taxing people into poverty, and debauching the currency.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Guy Fawkes and Us
So much for the textbook Catholic high school teaching on Guy Fawkes.
The Whiskey and Gunpowder blog has an excellent article based on its namesake that explores the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1700's and the Gunpowder Plot of the early 1600's.
The following passage really made me think of something I'd thought of before:
That's it.
And it also reminded that statism has so many different incarnations (in this case religious) that we really have to question whether it was the religions themselves or something else that was the cause of it.
I don't know. Maybe something like, you know, the human heart.
The Whiskey and Gunpowder blog has an excellent article based on its namesake that explores the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1700's and the Gunpowder Plot of the early 1600's.
The following passage really made me think of something I'd thought of before:
Anarchists and various anti-government types often appropriate a stylized simulacrum of Guy Fawkes’ face as their symbol because Guy was the one caught preparing the barrels of gunpowder. He is most closely associated with the anti-government plot in the popular imagination…
But Guy wasn’t interested in permanently or drastically reducing the reach of power of government; he merely wanted a Catholic monarch in power to persecute the Protestants, instead of the prevailing situation in which a Protestant monarch was persecuting the Catholic minority.
Guy was actually much like your garden-variety nationalist. He wanted his kind of people in power. This is not unlike the supporters of the few politicians we like — like Ron Paul.The Republican Party and the Democratic Party aren't small-government or pro-civil liberties. They just kick and scream as if they are. But really, it's just that their version of big government isn't being posed on the rest of the nation.
That's it.
And it also reminded that statism has so many different incarnations (in this case religious) that we really have to question whether it was the religions themselves or something else that was the cause of it.
I don't know. Maybe something like, you know, the human heart.
Gary North on Political Platforms
A political platform is a statement of faith that the voters ask the politicians to provide. It is quite comparable to the phrase, "Will you still respect me in the morning?" Once the platform emerges from the convention, it will have approximately as much meaning as the assurance, "Why of course I'll still respect you in the morning."Gold Commission 2 || GaryNorth.com
Mitt Romney Reveals Non-Specific Policy Specifics
The news here isn’t that Romney announced new policy proposals. The news is that he’s still trying to get away with tailoring his messaging to his audience, and with telling people what he thinks they want to hear rather than what he actually believes. On that front, Romney revealed nothing. Perhaps because there’s nothing to reveal.Mitt Romney Reveals Non-Specific Policy Specifics || Reason Hit and Run Blog
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I'm Disgusted With The Republican Party
In reaction to the news that the RNC sought a rules change to avoid a floor fight:
Related: How the GOP Establishment Stole the Nomination From Ron Paul || LewRockwell.com
I am very slow to anger but I think what the Republican Party did to the Ron Paul people is just despicable and disgusting. It's absolutely deplorable that Paul supporters have been shut out of GOP state conventions, denied seats to duly elected delegates, arrested, and had the rules changed on them the week of the very convention they were sent to vote at.
This is a party that is all about squelching and silencing opposition, even at the cost of an election.
So I ask: What is wrong with a little internal dissent?And is clamping down on dissent really worth it when the cost is the very support you are trying to win over?
Of course, it could be completely be the case that the Republicans know that they would have a hard time winning over the Paul people, and would have to make so many concessions on the platform ad infinitum that in their minds it is justified to prevent a floor fight.
It could completely be the case that they believe they can't win us over, so preventing a public relations mess would be timely right about now.
We're honest people and our rallies and organizations are the true grassroots. Our rallies are not funded by the Koch Brothers like Americans for Prosperity, just every day, hardworking -- and intelligent -- people.
And this is the kind of opposition they want squelched? Other grassroots that aren't too Ron Paul-friendly should be on our side, because it might be their turn one day to be on the receiving end of the GOP strong arm.
The Republican Party does not know how to handle the Ron Paul revolution. They think they can just pander to us and get our vote but they are dead wrong. It's going to take a lot more than just adding "Audit the Fed" to the GOP platform to win my vote.
I'm voting Ron Paul.
Related: How the GOP Establishment Stole the Nomination From Ron Paul || LewRockwell.com
Monday, August 27, 2012
Taxing Millionaires won't fix the Economy, Budget Expert says
From CBS News:
Related: The Decline of the Rich
(CBS News) Federal budget expert Maya MacGuineas, president of the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Budget, said the "Buffett Rule" is not "going to come anywhere close to fixing the problem" of income inequality or the national debt
"Because...growing income inequality has been so pronounced in the past year, what you can't do is pretend that only taxing millionaires is going to come anywhere close to fixing the problem," MacGuineas said on CBS News' "Face to Face."Budget expert: Taxing millionaires won't fix the economy || CBS News
Related: The Decline of the Rich
Two Charts That Show Obama Is Amongst the Worst of Job Creators
Don't worry, a Bush is down there, too.
From Freedom Outpost.
From Reason's Hit & Run Blog.
And here is a related essay refuting the Obama campaign's claims that Obama's recovery is greater than Reagan's recovery.
From Freedom Outpost.
From Reason's Hit & Run Blog.
And here is a related essay refuting the Obama campaign's claims that Obama's recovery is greater than Reagan's recovery.
The Make-Up Police Are Coming to Shut You Down
From Facebook:
A long time ago in the early days of The Goins Report (2010), I wrote a series of blog posts arguing that women should be legally allowed to braid their own daughters hair or neighbor's hair -- because logic dictates that if you need a license to be a hairstylist to do hair in a building, what stopping the gov't from shutting down a hair salon run out of a home?Here are those three blog posts I was referring to:
This time, the make-up police are out!
[1] Libertarian Views of Law: Why You Can't Legally Braid Your Neighbor's Hair
[2] Libertarian Views of the Law: A response to the Hair Post
[3] Vindicated! How Ron Paul's Life Proves My Point
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Owen Jones: The US is Still a Bully
The problem is power, not presidents, columnist argues:
How easy it was to scrutinise US power when George W. Bush was in office. After all, it was difficult to defend an administration packed with such repulsive characters, like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, whose attitude towards the rest of the world amounted to thuggish contempt.Owen Jones: Getting rid of George W. Bush wasn't enough. The US remains a bully || The Independent (UK)
Many will shudder remembering that dark era: the naked human pyramids accompanied by grinning US service personnel in Abu Ghraib; the orange-suited prisoners in Guantanamo, kneeling in submission at the feet of US soldiers; the murderous assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah. By the end of Bush's term in office, favourable opinion of the US had plummeted even in allied countries, and those desperate for a Republican rout in the presidential elections ranged from resolute socialists to committed Tories.
It was a bad dream that went on for eight years, and no wonder much of the world is still breathing a sigh of relief. But US foreign policy these days escapes scrutiny. In part, that is down a well-grounded terror of the only viable alternative to Barack Obama: the increasingly deranged US right. A deliberate shift to a softer, more diplomatic tone has helped, too. But it is also the consequence of a strategic failure on the part of many critics of US foreign policy in the Bush era. As protesters marched in European cities with placards of Bush underneath "World's No 1 Terrorist", the anti-war crusade became personalised. Bush seemed to be the problem, and an understanding of US power – the nature of which remains remarkably consistent from president to president – was lost.
College Students Taking Jobs That Require No Degree
After four years of college, many graduates are ending up in jobs that only require the ability to operate a cash register with a smile.Trading caps and gowns for mops || MarketWatch
After commencement, a growing number young people say they have no choice but to take low-skilled jobs, according to a survey released this week. And while 63% of “Generation Y” workers — those age 18 to 29 — have a bachelor’s degree, the majority of the jobs taken by graduates don’t require one, according to an online survey of 500,000 young workers carried out between July 2011 and July 2012 by PayScale.com, a company that collects data on salaries.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Weekly Health Review, Vol. 13
Ex-Porn star Jenna Jameson tells the women of the Twitterverse that they're entitled to all the sex that they want, but that doesn't mean she should have to pay for their birth control, The Goins Report has the story.
U.S. Appeals court blocks FDA "graphic image" labels on cigarettes in the name of the First Amendment, the Associated Press (via Time Healthland).
Mitt Romney defends Massachusetts health law as better than Obama's, The Hill reports.
Yes, we passed the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" and we are still finding out what's in it, including thirteen new taxes on top of the expiration of several tax cuts in 2013 that will affect the middle class and the rich alike, The New American magazines reports.
More and more doctors are suffering from burnout, and more than people in other professions, Reuters reports.
Health policy experts say that the Affordable Care Act will drive people to "concierge doctors" and increases demand for care while doing little to expand supply, CNSNews.com reports.
Flashback: HHS fully aware of doctor shortage, announces $250 million to strengthen the primary care workforce, CNSNews.com reported in 2010.
DOC: Physician shortages set to increase without increases in residency training.
Americans are having fewer children each year since the financial meltdown of 2008, Bloomberg reports.
Is Missouri Rep. Todd Akin (R) running for President? Nope. But that isn't stopping the Obama presidential campaign from sending out a mass e-mail to his supporters linking Akin's "legitimate rape" comments to the GOP platform. ABC News has learned in advance that Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who made politcal noise earlier this year for her statements before a House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, will be sending out the e-mail.
Update: VP Running Mate Paul Ryan (R) dodges the Akin-ization of the GOP campaign narrative as he refuses to explain the "forcible rape" language he used in a bill earlier in his congressional career, The Hill and ABC News' Jake Tapper reports.
U.S. Appeals court blocks FDA "graphic image" labels on cigarettes in the name of the First Amendment, the Associated Press (via Time Healthland).
Mitt Romney defends Massachusetts health law as better than Obama's, The Hill reports.
Yes, we passed the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" and we are still finding out what's in it, including thirteen new taxes on top of the expiration of several tax cuts in 2013 that will affect the middle class and the rich alike, The New American magazines reports.
More and more doctors are suffering from burnout, and more than people in other professions, Reuters reports.
Health policy experts say that the Affordable Care Act will drive people to "concierge doctors" and increases demand for care while doing little to expand supply, CNSNews.com reports.
Flashback: HHS fully aware of doctor shortage, announces $250 million to strengthen the primary care workforce, CNSNews.com reported in 2010.
DOC: Physician shortages set to increase without increases in residency training.
Americans are having fewer children each year since the financial meltdown of 2008, Bloomberg reports.
Is Missouri Rep. Todd Akin (R) running for President? Nope. But that isn't stopping the Obama presidential campaign from sending out a mass e-mail to his supporters linking Akin's "legitimate rape" comments to the GOP platform. ABC News has learned in advance that Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who made politcal noise earlier this year for her statements before a House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, will be sending out the e-mail.
Update: VP Running Mate Paul Ryan (R) dodges the Akin-ization of the GOP campaign narrative as he refuses to explain the "forcible rape" language he used in a bill earlier in his congressional career, The Hill and ABC News' Jake Tapper reports.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Ex-Porn Star Jenna Jameson: I Shouldn't Have to Pay for Your Birth Control Pills
In early August, Ms. Jameson is reported to have said that "If you're rich, you want a Republican in office."
Later this month on Twitter, she made another political statement.
Check out her past polical statements.
Later this month on Twitter, she made another political statement.
Check out her past polical statements.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
How NBC News Covered the FRC Shooting versus Fox News
Details, details, details.
Most of NBC's story:
Most of NBC's story:
Police say a security guard at the Family Research Council office in Washington, D.C., was shot Wednesday morning.Most of Fox News' story:
Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson Officer Araz Alali confirmed to NBC News that one security guard, an adult male, was shot in the arm at about 10:40 a.m. ET inside the building and was conscious and breathing after the shooting. He was transported to a local hospital.
Alali said one suspect is in custody in connection with the shooting and a weapon was recovered. The Metropolitan Police Department is now working with the FBI in the ongoing investigation.
Police do not know a motive at this point.
A security guard at the Family Research Council's headquarters in Washington, D.C. is being hailed as a hero after he stopped a gunman posing as an intern, taking a bullet in the arm before wrestling the suspect to the ground.
The gunman entered the lobby of the organization's Chinatown headquarters around 10:45 and expressed disagreement with the conservative group's policy positions, Fox News has learned. When the guard, who was not identified, asked him where he was going, he opened fire, according to police.
“The security guard here is a hero, as far as I’m concerned,” D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said. ”He did his job. The person never made it past the front.”
The guard, who was not identified, was shot in the arm and was conscious after the shooting and was in stable condition. The gunman, who also was not identified, was being questioned by the FBI, sources said. Sources said he is in his twenties.
The suspect "made statements regarding their policies, and then opened fire with a gun striking a security guard," a source told Fox News. WJLA-TV7 reported the suspect was also shot. Sources also said the gunman may have been carrying a bag from Chick-fil-A, the embattled fast-food restaurant whose president came under fire from gay activists after he said he did not agree with same-sex marriage.
Sources told Fox New that after guard took away his gun, the suspect said, "Don't shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for."Update: NBC has filled in more facts.
Weekly Health Review, Vol. 12
Romney's Vice Presidential running mate is far from a fiscal conservative as evidenced by his voting for the biggest Medicare expansion in history, POLITICO reports.
The men of the 2012 Presidential election, Romney, Ryan, and Obama, have all supported near trillion dollar cuts in Medicare, ABC News' Jake Tapper reports.
The key to fixing emergency rooms' overcrowding problem is to put more emphasis on primary care, a doctor wrote for Politic365.com.
Flashback: Mitt Romney invested in a company that disposed aborted fetuses by placing them into an incinerator, Mother Jones reports.
The men of the 2012 Presidential election, Romney, Ryan, and Obama, have all supported near trillion dollar cuts in Medicare, ABC News' Jake Tapper reports.
The key to fixing emergency rooms' overcrowding problem is to put more emphasis on primary care, a doctor wrote for Politic365.com.
Flashback: Mitt Romney invested in a company that disposed aborted fetuses by placing them into an incinerator, Mother Jones reports.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Jake Tapper's Top 10 Political Movies
My favorite reporter uses the new Will Ferrell film as an excuse...I mean....springboard to talk about his top 10 political movies.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Constitution is STILL a secular document, says a Christian
NPR has a story out about a Christian man who believes the Constitution is a biblical document, or at least very laced with biblical quotations:
But I won't say why.
Watch this, read this, this, this, and then this WHOPPER. There.
For example, you've been taught the Constitution is a secular document. Not so, says Barton: The Constitution is laced with biblical quotations.I highly disagree, and I think he's fighting wrong battle.
"You look at Article 3, Section 1, the treason clause," he told James Robison on Trinity Broadcast Network. "Direct quote out of the Bible. You look at Article 2, the quote on the president has to be a native born? That is Deuteronomy 17:15, verbatim. I mean, it drives the secularists nuts because the Bible's all over it! Now we as Christians don't tend to recognize that. We think it's a secular document; we've bought into their lies. It's not."
But I won't say why.
Watch this, read this, this, this, and then this WHOPPER. There.
Weekly Health Review, Vol. 11
A new study says that oral sex (fellatio) cures pregnant women's morning sickness, CBS DC reports.
The CBO released a report saying that 30 million Americans will still be without health insurance by 2020, CNSNews.com reports.
Papa John's CEO John Schnatter said that as a result of the Affordable Care Act the company will have to raise prices, POLITCO reports.
A new study by economists say that healthcare costs can be curbed best by a market approach, Kaiser Health News reports.
Samaritan Ministries recently posted links contained in their August Newsletter, including a commentary from Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute on understanding the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act.
The CBO released a report saying that 30 million Americans will still be without health insurance by 2020, CNSNews.com reports.
Papa John's CEO John Schnatter said that as a result of the Affordable Care Act the company will have to raise prices, POLITCO reports.
A new study by economists say that healthcare costs can be curbed best by a market approach, Kaiser Health News reports.
Samaritan Ministries recently posted links contained in their August Newsletter, including a commentary from Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute on understanding the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Will Liberals now call for 'Knife Control' with Ohio Dark Night Copycat?
Gun kills people, and so do knives, and this copycat had plenty, so why don't liberals call for knife control?
From The New York Daily News:
From The New York Daily News:
Scott Smith, of North Ridgeville, had a beige satchel that raised suspicion when he entered the theater. After Smith took a seat, an off-duty Westlake police officer who was providing security to the movie theater asked to search the bag.
The officer found a loaded 9mm Glock handgun, multiple loaded magazines and three knives inside, Westlake Police Lt. Ray Arcuri said. An additional knife was found underneath his clothes.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Watchdog Assesses Degree of Religious Freedom in Muslim States’ Constitutions | CNSNews.com
(CNSNews.com) – About 44 percent of the world’s Muslims live in 23 countries that have declared Islam to be the state religion, according to a new survey by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).Watchdog Assesses Degree of Religious Freedom in Muslim States’ Constitutions | CNSNews.com
Pat Buchanan: Is Mitt being neoconned into war? - Conservative News
“No option would be excluded. Gov. Romney recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself and that it is right for America to stand with it.”Pat Buchanan: Is Mitt being neoconned into war? - Conservative News
What does “stand with” Israel, if she launches a surprise attack on Iran, mean? Does it mean the United States will guide Israeli planes to their targets and provide bases on their return? Does it mean U.S. air cover while Israeli planes strike Iran?
A Great Interview with Brent Bozell
From the Daily Caller:
Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Brent Bozell, Media Research Center
This is my favorite part though.
Leaders with Ginni Thomas: Brent Bozell, Media Research Center
This is my favorite part though.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Weekly Health Review, Vol. 10
Editor's Note: The Goins Report did not publish a Weekly Health Review last week.
Conservatives say that August 1 would be the day religious liberty died, CNSNews.com reports.
Kyle Drennen caught NBC journalists "gushing" over the celebration of Europe's National Health Service over at Newbusters.
The Fiscal Times reports that five percent of Americans account for half of health care spending in 2009.
The United States Postal Service is on its way to default because of retiree benefits, the Associated Press reports.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons highlighted several areas to reform and proposed solutions to fix it.
The AAPS released their Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons for Summer 2012 including an article on "the healthcare bubble" and an insider's view of "the medical insurance mess and the health care law Supreme Court case.
FLASHBACK: The POLITICO reports on several telling arguments from the oral arguments for and against the 2010 healthcare law (w/video).
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